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  1. @aliboo1432


    Today, I was thinking about a story to write up for this class and discussing what I should pick from a girl I had never met before visiting Mary Washington this weekend. In this story, Sam, which we will be referring to her, and my roommate gave me different suggestions about what to write about,… Continue reading Outline
  2. @wade_764

    Writers’ Block and the Problem of Where to Start

    This week I have tried to think of various approaches to and on what I would like to do for the final project. I am still undecided at the moment, but I know that I want it to focus on something technology-related! Another aspect I would like to incorporate into my project is music, and I will keep my mind open for what I finally decide to work on until I begin to have a better idea. I think back on the past few weeks and reflect on two particular posts that I completed. I had one with a short…
  3. @JHolburd

    Coming Out of the Dark

    August 2021 was my benchmark, when we started gathering again in the classroom at UMW. It meant that we students would again be in each other’s presence after about 15 months of hibernation. I was ready to announce, that I was going to “find my happy”. That was my running tag line. For my art […]
  4. @cooper_llindsay

    Good Story Reading and Good Story Telling Go Hand in Hand

    When I was thinking about stories and how impactful they can be I think about The Lorax and The Giving Tree in particular. These stories hold such a strong message are inspiring to me. I know that I wanted to take something I am passionate about within the ecological realm and turn it into a… Continue reading Good Story Reading and Good Story Telling Go Hand in Hand
  5. @OliviaF98845588

    Long-Form Story Outline

    I want to write a long-form story about the SpongeBob SquarePants episode “Band Geeks” and my friends and I’s ability to quote the entire episode. Intro: Background on the show overall and then specifically the episode. Any notable facts or points I can find about it Main talking points: The plot of the episode, the ...
  6. @Tillysisland

    Becoming a Storyteller

    As of right now, I don’t necessarily have any concrete ideas for a long-form story but here are some potential ideas that I may bounce around and brainstorm more about: A story from the perspective of an impoverished, refugee child in a foreign country. – For this topic, I feel

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