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  1. natalie

    Sunday Listening – part II

    Listen to Chapter I “First days in London” – part II from the book Blossom Hill The two exchanged addresses, phone numbers, and paid using the man’s card. Mia was surprised that someone was so generous and thanked him. On her way-out, she noticed that only one other car had stopped at the gas station, a shiny Porsche 911….… Continue reading Sunday Listening – part II
  2. natalie

    Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock

    Chapter II Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Sisley walks out of her office to get some coffee water and walks into Treasure who is just arriving walking down the corridor towards Sisley with the JPS lead phrase. ”I’m not in Hollywood!” he stops. “Good morning… Continue reading Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock

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