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  1. Downes

    Security Screening

    November 24, 2021. View from the entrance of M-55 at the NRC campus. I had to go into Ottawa today for fingerprints and photos, part of my security screening. It is updated once every ten years, and this was the first time they did fingerprints. I didn...
  2. Downes

    Lexi Drinking

    November 23, 2021. This is Lexi enjoying a drink at the tap. We haven't trained the kittens to drink from the tap (Andrea is a fan) but Julia has been trying and trying to figure out why Lexi always goes up there. No luck yet. Meanwhile, I created and ...
  3. @Tillysisland

    Stan – Stories Within

    When looking at this assignment, the one thing that kept coming to mind was music. I feel as though for many people, music is simply something to put on in the background. With that being said, there are also plenty of artists that tend to lack high quality lyricism and
  4. Downes

    Breakfast Television

    November 22, 2021. This is Sid Seixeiro from CITY TV's Breakfast Television @breakfasttelevision, easily one of the best morning shows I've ever watched. I wake up with BT. I watch it on my computer every morning when I get up. The diverse and easy-goi...
  5. amiddlet50

    Community of Enhancement

    I keep returning to the phrase Community of Enhancement to describe my philosophy behind my staff development role. It is not astounding but, significantly for me, it is a better than Community of Practice. It reflects and models the ethos … Continue reading ?
  6. amiddlet50

    Curiosity – untapping latent energy

    Continuing from the post ‘Sublime, curious and distracted – challenging conceptions of learning’, I want to examine curiosity towards finding strategies that can be deployed by the academic and the learner themselves to create an engaging learning environment. Surely, curiosity … Continue reading ?
  7. Downes

    Sparrow in the Cedars

    November 21, 2021. We're back from Montreal - Andrea stopped at the Holt, then we discovered highway 20 was completely closed, then we arrived home and I spent time preparing the photos. This is a Montreal sparrow in a cedar.
  8. Downes

    Mike Wilmot

    November 20, 2021. Nothing like live comedy on a Saturday night in Montreal. This is Mike Wilmot, who delivered quite a nice set tonight as the headliner. The Comedy Nest is a great venue and we'll be back.We also went for a walk during the day through...
  9. Downes

    Cat Tube

    November 18, 2021. This is Charlemagne viewed through a tube. It's an evening bit of creativity following another day focused on the course, including what I thought was a good video on meta-ethics. Also added variable line widths to the graph diagrams...
  10. Downes


    November 19, 2021. We decided to take a mini-vacation to Montreal, so after wrapping up the week's work we drove up, checked in, and then went to the RedBlacks-Alouettes football game. It was cold, to be sure, but it was a lot of fun, especially the la...
  11. natalie

    Part II – Sisley’s first day at Cargo City Sout

    Chapter II from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Three days later: Sisley has arranged everything the new filing System is ready, she had prepared and printed all reports that are again well trapped on the table, the one from the weeks before she had placed in the bin. All her digital data is… Continue reading Part II – Sisley’s first day at Cargo City Sout
  12. @PabloMccrimmon


    My final project is a multi-media audio-visual narrative experience detailing the various artistic interactions I have had in my life which have lead me to my current place in life. Each section details a different artistic medium and is therefore told through that medium. For my outline, I have divided the narrative into each medium: […]
  13. @skyler0455

    final project!

    This semester really flew by! We are already at the final project. The story I want to share with the world is about living in the present moment. I as well as many people through the pandemic have been through many changes and transitions in the past few years, many of which I did not […]
  14. @eendip

    Weekly Summary

    So for my final project, I’ve decided to recreate/imitate an episode of Bob Ross with my own spin on it, of course. I will choose something random to paint and do my best to do Mr.Ross justice. It will be a video submission incorporating different props. I should have all the props by Monday and...
  15. @Carrie F.

    Progress Report

    This week for my final project, I have really taken the time to think about the direction I wanted to take for my project. Since I was thinking about creating a project based on overcoming obstacles, I was thinking of creating almost like a documentary, or like progress I have made since starting this class …
  16. @myclassaccount

    Thirteenth Weekly Summary

    I have been having such a terrific time going over how to approach this final project. As we got closer I made the decision to focus on engagement. Ultimately, I have decided that the final project will center around engagement with audiences in the film community all of the ways in which you can connect. What is the the relationship like when it comes to the use of social media platforms and websites? That is the story that I am … Continue reading "Thirteenth Weekly Summary"
  17. amiddlet50

    Sublime, curious and distracted – challenging conceptions of learning

    Tyson E. Lewis in ‘The Dude Abides, or Why Curiosity Is Important for Education Today’, looks at the idea of curiosity from a pedagogical perspective. He sets curiosity in stark contrast to widely held beliefs about education where blind faith … Continue reading ?

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