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  1. @Marie-Lynn

    Infomercial Fails

    The next assignment I decided to complete this week was “Where Did The Soda Go?” for the humorous fails and over-dramatic reactions. I was considering doing something like this for awhile, so I was happy to discover an assignment related to it! I knew of this infomercial because I saw it a few years ago and thought it was utterly ridiculous. Luckily Google knew what infomercial I was looking for when I did a search for “infomercial where the bowls explode out of the cabinet.” This was the first result! It features a woman going to her kitchen cabinet, opening it, and then it looks like an entire store’s worth of tubberware explodes out at her. I thought this was a perfect example for this assignment because it’s so over-the-top and ridiculous, because I don’t think it’s possible for someone to own that many bowls, let alone fit them in that cabinet! The video was on YouTube, so I copied the URL and pasted it into GIPHY to create a GIF. I made two versions of this GIF, the first which is just a simple loop of the “infomercial fail” and the second slightly edited in a more fitting manor. Both can be found below! Please take a look and then tell me what you think in a comment down below!
  2. @shayfinnz

    Visual Assignments for Week #4

    I wanted to go out of my comfort zone with the six starts of visual assignments we had to do this week! I started by doing the Assignment called “256 Points” where you create a picture using a 16×16 pixel square. I was a little stuck at first about how to create a picture that would just use 16×16 pixels, but then I did some Googling and was all set! I used the website Pixilart to create my image. In order to keep with the apocalyptic theme of our class, I wanted to make a picture of a meteor hitting a city skyline. I don’t know that it is the clearest, but I feel like once I say what it is you can tell. The second post I did was worth another three starts and completed my needed 6. I completed the “Where Did the Soda Go?” assignment where you are supposed to make a gif showing how bad the acting in infomercials are. I downloaded the 4k video converter from this week’s list of assignments to get the YouTube video I wanted. I decided to go with the “Dumbest As Seen On TV Items Ever” for the video to take my clip from. I then used the website GIPHY to create my gif to share with the world.

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