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  1. @shayfinnz

    The End

    This semester has been really fun and I am definitely going to miss this class. Even though it was a lot of work, I really enjoyed all of it. This final project was also a lot of work, but it was a ton of fun to do. I knew I wanted to use the ground be...
  2. @shayfinnz

    Final Evidence

    Dear World, I think I figured it out. And I think this is the end. I knew there was something fishy going on at the CDE and so I decided to go there and investigate myself. I snuck through the gates on the back of a truck and poked around the office. I...
  3. @shayfinnz

    Surveillance Footage

    I found some online footage fo the CDE’s surveillance footage from the day that the meat delivery was made. I combed through all the clips and found a couple I thought were interesting. I want to try to identify one of the guys in the clip with t...
  4. @shayfinnz

    Sam Miller Evidence

    I did a little digging and found some stuff on the Sam Miller person who wrote that note I found…   The first thing I found was this business card. I think she might have something to do with what is going on with The End. She works for the...
  5. @shayfinnz


    I have been reviewing the evidence and I am really interested in what is going on. I hang out at the writing center once or twice a week and so I try to look around as to what is going on up and around the DKC while I’m there. I haven’t fou...
  6. @shayfinnz

    Supercut It

    First things first, I stan Cillian Murphy. So when I was trying to decide what movie to watch I knew I was going to want to watch “28 Days Later”. After thoroughly enjoying this movie, although it was scarier than I expected, I was ready to...
  7. @shayfinnz

    Video Essay

    First, let me start off by saying how excited I was that one of the movies we got to watch for class this week was 10 Cloverfield Lane. I recently have gotten really into the Cloverfield series and have been meaning to watch this one for a while. I pic...
  8. @shayfinnz

    Week 7&8 Recap

    I can’t believe it’s been over a week since Spring Break!! The time is flying by and I know it is going to be graduation before we know it! The past two weeks have been a lot of fun! I have a not so secret desire to have a podcast and this ...
  9. @shayfinnz

    HoverBus Ad

    This is my HoverBus Ad for our radio show, W-END 106.3!! I wanted to make something that was punchy, but simple. It has all of our info and would hopefully attract people to listen to us while they are stuck in their HoverCars stuck in 95 traffic. It&#...
  10. @shayfinnz

    Frequency 22401

    Hello all!! Here we are, deep into the sixth week of school and almost to Spring Break! To be very honest I found this week really challenging. I had a hard time figuring out all of the technology and on top of all of that, I had a lot of work to do. I...
  11. @shayfinnz

    Frequency 2156

    I think this is a really cool thing. I spent a good chunk of time looking and listening to different posts from all over. I tuned into their broadcast for a little bit and tried to catch different sound bites. I think that these creators chose this med...

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