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  1. @wade_764

    Back Again, With More Answers

    I decided to do a follow-up assignment to one I did last week. I am answering all of the remaining questions for this assignment. It was a bit funnier this time around, but I think the person who created the original project did a fantastic job. Their acting skills were over the top =] I did some thinking and talked to several people in the class about different programs everyone has been using for video editing. In the end, I decided to stick with Final Cut Pro, and now I have a better understanding of breaking up the clips and…
  2. @wade_764

    What an Interview!

    I was asked to answer some questions about a fun video assignment for this assignment. I think I am getting the hang of editing videos slowly in Final Cut Pro, but I was initially lost with how to add a slide with text responses. I realized, why not just make a PowerPoint with the questions and my responses, then take screenshots of the presentation and add that to the video. I must be lucky because this worked! I also figured out how to change the different tools to cut up the original video and insert my pieces. There are so…
  3. @jetjenk43

    5 Q’s & 5 A’s with the Great Vanessa!!!

    Assignment: 10 Apocalyptic Questions I chose the 5 questions I felt I could best answer out of the ten that Vanessa provided.  I used the program OpenShot to splice and dice and input my videos in where they needed to be.  I think I was making this a little harder than it should have been …

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