Search results for: Bag gold

  1. D'Arcy Norman

    web 2.0 is kinda people

    My contribution for the DS106 assignment #3: WTF is Web 2.0? WebTwoDotOh I used clips from: Groks Science Show Kamla Bhatt’s interview with Tim O’Reilly Dutch Thinktank EPN’s Web 1/2/3 video The Computer Chronicles: The Internet Bags of Gold Eric Schmidt on Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 The audio features the first ever public guitar ...
  2. Aaron

    Why Personal Cyberinfrastructure Matters

    One of the questions I’ve been pondering from time to time over the past couple of weeks is why personal cyberinfrastructure matters. Hearing Campbell’s own vision for this was helpful, in the sense of providing some well-considered points on the matter. Part of what bothers me is my belief in the value of specialization: shouldn’t ...
  3. bon

    digital identity, you many-splendoured thing

    …And so we begin. It is a strange thing, after almost five years of blogging, to open up this second door for ideas and conversation. Same blog, different floor. Or something like that. Another facet to living online, out in the open. It’s a conceit, maybe, but one that keeps me honest, keeps me pushing ...
  4. timmmmyboy

    The Transient Web

    More thoughts and discussions seem to be rising to the surface daily as a result of Gardner Campbell’s “No More Digital Facelifts” video. Brad Kozlek and D’Arcy Norman take issue with the requirement of ds106 that you self-host your blog and the idea that a “Personal Cyberinfrastructure” requires becoming your own sysadmin. In Gutenberg’s day, ...
  5. Intrepid Teacher

    Keep The Flow Going

    My mind is on fire. I am in the flow. I can’t stop thinking. My body tingles with learning. I am awash in artistic and intellectual juices. A bit much? Sure, but I am loving this feeling. I am drunk with the excitement generated by my mind and its connection to so many things, ideas, ...
  6. jasongreen

    Maybe Bon Stewart was right

    D’Arcy Norman puts on his Devil’s Advocate hat to remind us that it’s about the learning. I’m hoping D’Arcy will lend me the key to his lead Devil’s Advocate hat box, because here I go.  I’ll try to be good and leave it under the front mat when I’m done D’Arcy writes, “Society doesn’t need ...
  7. NoiseProfessor

    An Arms Race of Awesome

    At the dawn of a new semester – classes begin this morning – I find myself reading various ruminations on Gardner Campbell’s “A Personal Cyberinfrastructure.” CogDog’s Freediving for Gold, Timmyboy’s Everything is amazing, and no one is happy! Excellent thinkers, … Continue reading
  8. timmmmyboy

    Everything is amazing, and no one is happy!

    I finally got a chance to sit down and watch Gardner Campbell’s “No Digital Facelifts” and it’s almost too much to digest in one thought or post. I imagine I’ll be pointing back to it often over the next several weeks as ideas come to me. As he talked about the idea of having this ...
  9. Bob Cole

    working on the railroad

    While waiting for my intro video to upload to Vimeo, I came across Ryan Brazell's post on getting ready for DS106. Last weekend I decided to bite the bullet and give this wild, but ever so awesome, idea of a massively open online course a try, despi...
  10. dmlittle

    Behind and/or Ahead

    Like I didn’t have anything better to do… The MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is a potentially interesting development in on-line learning. I think. Anyway I’m about to find out.  I’ve signed up for two, no sense being timid: CCK11 – Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is an open online course that over 12 weeks ...
  11. dmlittle

    Behind and/or Ahead

    Like I didn’t have anything better to do… The MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is a potentially interesting development in on-line learning. I think. Anyway I’m about to find out.  I’ve signed up for two, no sense being timid: CCK11 – Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is an open online course that over 12 weeks ...