1. mis-tery

    30 Second Documentary! (3 Stars)

    For this assignment I chose to do a quick silent tutorial showing someone how to make a paper boat. The story behind paper boats and I is that I’ve been making these silly things for a very long time, In times of stress, anxiety, sadness, happiness, birthdays, sometimes funerals (judge if you want) …etc. This ...
  2. mis-tery

    Tell A Story With No Dialogue! (4 Stars)

    I created a video that tells a story where there is no dialogue or narration- only the camera, movement, and at most, a musical soundtrack, tell the story. For this assignment I chose to make a video with the 4th of july fireworks. Process: I took the video I took during fourth of july, uploaded it ...
  3. estotz

    The End

    For this assignment, I had to tell a story in one second. Although, my video consists of only two words, it does indeed tell a story. Because if you think deep thoughts about the meaning of those two words, many things can come to mind. More so, than telling a story, I suppose this story ...
  4. estotz

    Saturday Morning

    I recorded this five second video in order to convey my Saturday morning yesterday. I woke up, and immediately realized I have gotten yet another cold this semester–I’ve determined that college is a petri dish for sickness. Anyways, my immediate reaction to my cold was this. I recorded it, uploaded it, and edited it–just basic ...
  5. mis-tery

    Supercut It! (5 stars)

    A supercut is a “fast-paced montage of short video clips that obsessively isolates a single element from its source, usually a word, phrase, or cliche from film and TV. For this assignment I had to create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public ...
  6. beauty_b_

    My First Video Assignment…Here We Go!

    Title: Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives Description: For this assignment I was asked to select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes were supposed to represent scenes that changed mu life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on me. After selecting the scenes, I was asked to create a video ...
  7. Matt Meyer

    Weekly Summary 11/18/2012

    Here is the weekly summary for the video segment of the course. I am not a huge fan of making video content myself, but this was relatively enjoyable. I used VideoPad to edit all the films (way, WAY better than … Continue reading →
  8. Matt Meyer

    Range of Emotions

    Just a quick one star assignment to bring the total for the week up to 16, this is just me going through a range of emotions. My fiance always makes fun of me for being animated and having funny faces … Continue reading →
  9. dlefew

    Live here

    This video was to convince future residents to come live in Mason. It was too late for it to be submitted to the contest, but I wanted to go ahead and make the video showing how awesome a place mason … Continue reading
  10. Matt Meyer

    Video Tutorial

    I can really relate to this one, creating a video tutorial, my mom got into using Skype a little while ago and it was…interesting to try to teach her how to use it. The tutorial that follows is very, very … Continue reading →
  11. Matt Meyer

    A Day in the Life

    So I decided to do this “day in the life of” assignment because, while although my life is tragically boring, I liked the concept. WARNING Political commentary will follow in this video as I rant and rave about politics and … Continue...
  12. Alex Spangler

    Week 11 & 12 Weekly Summary

    So, this is coming in a bit later than I normally would have liked, but that’s really because these assignments have taken me a bit more time than I would have liked.  Having two weeks to do them was extremely necessary.  I really don’t think that I would have been able to complete them if ...
  13. Matt Meyer

    Swede A Scene

    I loved the movie that is the inspiration for this assignment, and laughed really hard at all the creative and funny things they showed in the film. I decided to use my miniatures to re-create this classic scene from the … Continue reading →

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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