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Hello world!

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HelloWorld Program

/*a program*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){

int myGrade;
/*make first blog post*/

cout << ā€œHello world!!1!ā€;


int x = 9001 / 0;
return 0;

/*By Patrick Connelly

*Bullet list of important facts:
*Avid runner
*started the ROTC program at UMW
*Comp Sci major, math minor
*front teeth are fake.
*The Back to the Future Trilogy is the greatest trilogy known to man. The soundtrack alone gives me a hard-on.
*My Facebook
*Some old poetry junk Iā€™ve written
*Probably the best poem I dished out

*my hero

you know
it might be a problem
I decided not to
put another *
followed by one of those slashy thingies
a compiler might have trouble parsing
because it wouldnā€™t be able to find an EOF marker.
Fuck it.
Donā€™t need this shit to compile.
so this post, just gets a star.

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