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One of our assignments this week was to read the articles Web 2.0 Storytelling- Emergence of a New Genre and 7 Things You Should Know About Creative Commons and provide a short post with our initial thoughts on the subjects.

The first article was very interesting to read because it explained digital storytelling and how it has evolved over time and projected ways that it will continue to evolve. The article covered all aspects of online storytelling from blogs to video and audio resources and really explained well how more and more these different forms of communication are blending into one and allow the audience to explore, learn, and design for themself- expanding upon one another and creating a digital web of information and communication. The final point of the article is proposing the use of digital storytelling for educational purposes- which greatly relates to last week’s reading, A Personal Cyberinfrastructure. The authors point out that the web may not be a perfect use for all aspects and subjects of education, but that the ways it can be applied are limitless and only need testing to see the full magnitude of the resource.

The second article was very descriptive and helpful for those who, like me, have heard of Creative Commons before, but never fully understood or knew what it entailed. After reading the article, I feel that the idea of having information and resources fully available to all those who care to search is a great advancement in education. When used properly, it could be applied in education from elementary school through higher education as well and would greatly enhance learning, I feel. I like that sources still receive full credit, but rather than having a chokehold on a certain idea or concept- the audience is allowed to explore and expand on the subject and broaden the knowledge gained.

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