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Web 2.0 Reaction

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This post is my reaction to Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre by Bryan Alexander and Alan Levine. Also my thoughts on 7 Things You Should Know About Creative Commons.

I’ll start with the Storytelling article. I really liked this article definitely will all the links in it. I clicked a lot of them and I especially liked Hamlet on Facebook and the We Feel links. I liked the way the author put that the web kind of “lowers the bar for participation and publishing.” The author also said that the, “Web 2.0’s lowered bar to content creation, combined with increased social connectivity, ramps up the ease and number of such conversations, which are able to extend outside the bounds of a single environment.” This is very true and I think it’s really cool that you can connect with people from all over the world and exchange information/stories/news/anything with them. However, there is also a downside for example, I don’t know if you’ve ever read yahoo/youtube comments at the bottom of any article/video but some comments can be pretty absurd and people can be really mean to one another. A big part of that is anonymity and I would hope those people who comment would never say those thing’s to a random person in “real life” (I don’t know, maybe I’m being naive). This kind of leads to a debate on whether or not the loss of personal contact/body language is important; they say 90% of communication is with body language. I wonder if that plays a role? Overall, this article was an interesting read.

As for the Creative Commons article I have actually heard of creative commons before so it was a pleasant read. I like Creative Commons because as they said, “free exchange of knowledge is fundamental to the common good.” It will be interesting to see how far Creative Commons can go.

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