Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Stacy

    Poster Extravaganza

    So for our in-class assignment Molly, Ashley, and I made three posters representing ds106. We used frustrated, and confused, and an overall poster for the class: This is Molly’s (really funny): This is Ashley’s (frustration): This is mine (confusion): I combined pictures from the ds106 group Flickr: 1 2 3 4 5 on Photoshop and then a simple…
  2. Stacy

    Farewell Digsto

    I really liked this class! I learned tons. It’s definitely not a class for people who expect it to be like most 100 level courses where you don’t do much except write a paper and have a few tests/quizzes. It requires going to class and actually paying attention because there are a lot of programs…
  3. Stacy

    My Favforite

    so on my Tumblr I like to make gifs out of my favorite movies. I really, really like Classical Hollywood Cinema 1910-1960 and Foreign films. I also really like the t.v. show Will and Grace. So, there’s some of that splashed in even though it has nothing to do with classical Hollywood/Foreign. I think I’ve…
  4. Stacy


    I hope this makes sense. This is a tutorial on how to make a gif specifically for Tumblr on Windows 7. Keep in mind: Tumblr has a limit size of 500k. This means anything over that size will not move on Tumblr. When I first posted I realized this because my first gif would not…
  5. Stacy

    FINAL Tumble

    So, I got permission to change my final project! The reason behind the change was because I really did not have much of a final comic idea/I neglected that whole comic thing. AND What I didn’t realize was about a month ago, 3/31/2011 to be exact, I started a tumblr. I’ve always kind of wanted to…
  6. Stacy

    Do The Constantine Mash

    So, this is my mash up, which I thought we had until today to do. I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while (since we got the assignment) and at first I wanted to compare an original movie with its remake (example, Wizard of Oz with Oz) but I realized that would require owning both those…
  7. Stacy

    Superhuman Fry

    This is Calvin and I fanfiction for Ds106 class, which we did for an in class assignment. Calvin came up with the idea to make Fry from Futurama, who’s actually pretty dumb, a Superhero. So, we found some clips on Youtube, downloaded them, and then edited them on Pinnacle. I thought the Inception soundtrack would…
  8. Stacy

    Neglected Blog

    So, I’ve been really busy with my psychology experiment, writing my research paper, and getting ready for the Psi Chi Symposium these past two weeks that I have neglected this blog. Not that that’s a good excuse because its not. Plenty of people can do a lot and this class. So, basically I have no…
  9. Stacy

    I’m putting on my Top Hat

    This is my work for Jim Grooms videoessay assignment here and this was probably the hardest assignments yet but I really enjoyed it. FIRST, it was really hard for me because I spent about the moment I read this assignment to yesterday (4 days) trying to figure out which movie I wanted to do. I…
  10. Stacy

    MIXRE (remix remixed)

    I got to read, Dr. Mashup; or, Why Educators Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Remix for class and I really liked this sentence: Elements of reuse have always been present in creative work, even though the borrowing may have been framed in terms of “tradition,” or “influence.” Artistic and scholarly works build…
  11. Stacy

    Learning and Motivation

    So for class we got to read Praxis 2.0: Escaping the edu-travelogue. I liked the article and it just further confirmed the fact that I really have no desire to be a teacher because it’s really difficult and the fact that I really rather not touch “institutional learning” (definitely in america) with a ten foot…
  12. Stacy

    Draw Drawing Draws

    So, continuing on with my previous post/final project. I’ve done some more comics based off of real life events. The same process went with all of the drawings. I basically drew them, colored them with normal pens and markers, and then scanned them on to my computer! My first one was actually an idea from my mom.…
  13. Stacy

    Jesus Bale Lives

    So for this assignment we had to use Firefox and Firebug to tell a story within an existing Web space. So, the first thing I had to do was come up with a website to play around with. I follow some Tumblrs and there’s this running joke about Christian Bale looking like Jesus; people on…
  14. Stacy

    Dow ner Bonna roo

    I listened to UMWdowner and Bonnaroo radio. I liked the UMWdowner show because originally my group had a thought to interview people about parking. Quite frankly, a lot of people I know(mostly seniors) have complained about the parking and I think many students can relate to this show, maybe not professors. Personally, I’ve never had…
  15. Stacy

    Ugh C.o.m.i.c.s.

    SO, for my final project, I’ve been going back and forth about what to do with comics (see previous post) and everyone’s doing their own thing so scratch that idea. Instead I figured I would just do a comic every other day or a couple times a week. Kind of like the newspapers only not every day. I want…
  16. Stacy

    The end of the world in 30minutes.

    So, continuing on for this assignment and from my previous post we had do to another 25 minutes over break. My group and I split up the work and decided on coming up with stories of our own. As you may know from my previous post this radio story is basically a bunch of little…
  17. Stacy

    Listening = Awesome

    So, I hope this title of my post is okay but anyways we spent today in class listening to many 5 miniute intros (see last post for assignment) Listening to DS106 radio in class was definitely really fun. Our group actually went second, which I was not expecting. So heres our first five minute intro…
  18. Stacy

    Our Radio Show

    So for this assignment a group of us are suppose to make a radio show. And our first bit is to come up with a 5minute intro to our 30minute show. Let me just say patrick is sooo right about this taking a lot of time. We spent a good 3 hours trying to figure…
  19. Stacy

    Thought’s About a Final Project Idea

    So, I really like my first idea of doing a comic strip but I was thinking it’d be hard to do it all by myself/ kind of boring. I was thinking I could expand the idea into a more creative project. I was thinking it would be interesting to do this with another person or…
  20. Stacy

    This American Life

    For the videos of Ira Glass and storytelling, I really liked part 3 when he played a clip of one of his first stories, it was interesting. I also really thought his advice was true. People in the creative field do, at first, spend years creating things that they don’t think are good enough but…
  21. Stacy

    What the Font?

    I decided to do another design assignment for ds106 because they’re a lot of fun. As I was scrolling through the design assignment I decided on the Font assignment. I already had an idea in mind when I was reading through the description. I decided to design the Deathly Hallows “logo” from the Harry Potter…
  22. Stacy

    RADIO, an Illustrated Guide.

    I enjoy reading graphic novels so I definitely liked reading this radio guide; I kind of wish all my text books where like this guide. I actually have a social psychology book that uses comics every now and then to explain a point. Anyways, one of my favorite parts was when Ira talked about how…
  23. Stacy


    This post is for Ds106 in class group assignment: contributors: Calvin Barnard, Michael Dickerson, Elizabeth Paredes, Gregory Weeks, and Stacy Hietala. First assignment: Mini Daily Shoot: You must take photos to fulfill five photo prompts (provided on cards). When you are done, you must construct a meaningful narrative around the photos you’ve taken. You may…
  24. Stacy

    Final Project

    I have no idea what to do for my final project. I literally just finished reading McClouds “understanding comics,” which I really liked since I read comics so now all I can think of is writing my own comic…yeah I have no other ideas. :/
  25. Stacy

    Five Card Flickr

    For this assignment I went to this site and had it randomly select 5 flickr pictures from other ds106 students. From these 5 pictures (the bear is the first one, the glass is the last one) I got to make a story out of them. It was pretty fun and I tried to make the…
  26. Stacy

    Minimalist TV/Movie Poster

    For this ds106 assignment I had to look at the assignments submitted by anyone at this location and pick one of the submitted assignments (drop down menu) to do. I chose the minimalist tv/movie poster which is described as: [you] create a tv/movie poster that captures the essence of the story through the use of…
  27. Stacy

    Daily Shoot 2 and 3

    For the second day of my daily shoot we had to fill a frame. I didn’t think much of what to take a picture of and decided to just use my glove. So I just took a picture of it and then cropped it so it fit the frame. These are really warm gloves and…
  28. Stacy

    Story Telling Therapy

    For this ds106 assignment I decided to pick the one about storytelling and how it’s a new, experimental, “method” of Psychotherapy. My initial thought, while going through the website, was it sounded a bit redundant. There are many different “methods” of psychotherapy (drawing, counseling, acting it out) and I believe the key to all them…
  29. Stacy

    Daily shoot: Post 1

    I’m not sure whether or not we’re suppose to blog about our experience with Daily Shoot but I might as well. Todays Daily shoot was to “Make a photograph that features repetition.” I was thinking of what to take a picture of maybe the bricks or a railing but I decided to take a picture…

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