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What the Font?

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I decided to do another design assignment for ds106 because they’re a lot of fun. As I was scrolling through the design assignment I decided on the Font assignment. I already had an idea in mind when I was reading through the description. I decided to design the Deathly Hallows “logo” from the Harry Potter series but instead of doing letters (to make it easier on me) I decided to use words. If you haven’t read the Harry Potter books (go and read) or you haven’t seen the movies (ehhh) you probably have no idea what the Deathly Hallows are. So, I decided to use the words of the description of each artifact as the design. The first one is the line and that represents the Elder Wand, which is the most powerful wand in the Wizardarding World; if you own this wand no one can defeat you. The circle represents the Resurrection Stone and if you turn this three times over in your hand, it can bring back the dead. The last, the triangle, represents the Cloak of Invisibility, which allows you to hide from anything, even death. According to the legend whoever possesses all three of these artifacts becomes the Master of Death.

Anyways, I went about doing this by typing out the descriptions into a word document and then just changing the font and color and size. I’m sure there is an easier way of doing that but it was fun because I have two of the Harry Potter fonts. Then, I finally downloaded GIMP!, I copy and pasted the words into gimp and rotated at leisure. The Resurrection Stone was really hard to do because I had to make it into a circle shape so, I just did it word by word rotation…there was probably a better way to do that too but I think it looks pretty good. Then I just inverted the colors because I wanted a black background. I realize now that it’s kind of hard to read sorry but it’s basically all from the Wiki of Harry Potter.

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