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The Final Countdown

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Using that title has put that stupid song from Europe ‘The Final Countdown’ in my head, which is unfortunate. To be honest, I feel kind of sad that I didn’t take this course during a longer semester, because I think I would have gotten more out of it. This is not to say that I didn’t get anything out of it, but I think that I would have been happier with my product. But as someone on the #ds106 said, it’s ‘Process, not Product.’

That really is one of the quality messages to be taken from the course, that the course is about acquiring the skills that can be utilized, rather than trying to have another course of rote learning. Even worse would be the Art Practical choices that would have to be selected between to fulfill this same credit, something like drawing or music. Neither one of those topics/skills is really relevant to what I may end up trying to do with my Historic Preservation degree. But some of the skills that I acquired in this course definitely can be used to support the Preservation with new media tools.

Now specifically, what did I like/dislike about the course? Or rather, what were my strengths/weaknesses?

Well, I did end up being glad that I volunteered to host the radio broadcast, despite the frustration of trying to have all the segments in on time. Learning to broadcast on the ds106 radio was fun, especially with all the supportive contributors out there who listened in. We had a few hiccups, but that is to be expected. I thought that the broadcast went really smoothly and I think that I did an okay job with the hosting.

One thing that I was weak at in the course was the commenting on other peoples blogs. I did maybe a total on ten times, don’t quote me on that. This is think can really be tacked to the fact that I am offline so much, plus the fact that I couldn’t get the Google Reader working on my blog.

So I ques there are just a few more things remaining before the course is officially over: this post, the in-class project, getting the recording of the broadcast, and archiving this blog. I think that I might switch to a free blogger platform, maybe try to come up with interesting things to talk about.

Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em.


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