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Two Videos and An Essay

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Utilizing technological advances is a crucial part of advancement in this day and age. I think the videos and the essay all made this good point. The advancements in technological communication are pretty much requiring that people, especially people pursuing jobs, know more and more about using these new forms of communication. I especially loved what Gardner Campbell suggested about the increasing advancements in technology, that they not only provide a new way of education, they also provide the student with more freedom and more power over the way they learn. When Michael Wesch talked about his students not enjoying their classes, it reminded me of how many times I have seen peers utilizing class time to check facebook, or make purchases from their favorite store on their computers. Sitting in a classroom listening to a professor drone on and on is not very enjoyable to most members of this generation. But with new advances in technology, we are given an opportunity to make learning fun again. I really believe that if properly used, new forms of communication could have a huge positive impact on the way we learn and teach. However, I also feel that it could seriously hinder us in the potentiality it has to distract us. I believe Campbell mentioned something, although maybe not quite in this wording, about how we have grown out of the traditional way of learning new information and that is why it isn’t interesting to us anymore. To me, this comment begs the question, won’t we eventually feel the same way about technology that is new to us now, but will be old to us later? Those are just a couple doubts I have, but on the whole I love the ideas presented in the videos and in the essay and I feel that it is extremely important to learn about and explore new advancements in communication.

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