Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Shayna

    Movie Trailer Mashup

    This project came out differently than I originally intended it to, but I think I like this.  To do this project,  I found a Pirates of the Carribean 4 movie trailer and a When a Stranger Calls movie trailer both on YouTube).  I’m not sure why I chose these two exactly but I wanted to ...
  2. Shayna

    DS106 Compilation

    I started using Windows Movie Maker for this project.  But it simply didn’t do what I wanted it to.  So, I did a little researching and downloaded the free trial version of Camtasia.  I actually really like this program and if I thought I would have time to do a good amount of video editing ...
  3. Shayna

    Web Story.

    For my webpage story I found an article about Michelle Obama on the Washington Post website and tweaked it.  I don’t know why exactly I chose this article, but it might have to do with the fact that I think it’s absolutely stupid that anyone would care about how many calories the first lady is ...
  4. Shayna

    SongStory: Audio Assignment 3

    I think this might be my favorite assignment yet. The clip I used came from youtube: I Go Back by Kenny Chesney. I loved this because it gave me an opportunity to reflect on my fondest summertime memories as a child and reminded me of how much I love my Pop Pop. The saying is ...
  5. Shayna

    Interview/Music Mashup

    Interview mashup by Shayna Moreland For this project, I had a little trouble getting creative. So, as usual I went to my dear Aunt Linda for advice. She thought it might be fun to do an interview with Ms. Piggy. And I agreed. Ms. Piggy is one of those super fun characters that you can ...
  6. Shayna

    Audio Assignment 1

    Summer day by Shayna Moreland I’ve always been a huge fan of summertime. One of my favorite things to do as a kid was go to the pool. So, this audio story is about my days at the pool. Nothing major ever happened there, but that’s why I picked this. I figured it would be ...
  7. Shayna

    DailyShoot #593

    I took this photo in the car on the way home from the store. I like how the sky is kind of almost framed by the trees. I’m actually surprised it turned out since the car was moving.
  8. Shayna

    Design Assignment 4: Exquisite Corpse

    For my last design assignment I decided to do the exquisite corpse. I loved this idea when I first saw it. But, instead of using real people for my photo, I decided to use dolls. Really, I have to thank my Aunt Linda for this idea- she has a lot of dolls around the house ...
  9. Shayna

    Minimalist Travel Poster

    As a child, I wasn’t a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland. But, as I got older it really started to grow on me. Even now I love the idea of visiting a place full of magic and mystery. To do this poster, I searched for images of wonderland and then I used GIMP to ...
  10. Shayna

    “Deadlines” DailyShoot

    So, usually when I think of a deadline, I think about how long I have before something is due. I figured a picture of a clock was a good way to convey this. This picture was actually taken this morning while I was working on a group Spanish project. We met long before class started ...
  11. Shayna

    DailyShoot #591: Choice

    I must admit, I have a huge sweet tooth. I”m always searching for something sweet, usually chocolate but not always, to nibble on. But being the indecisive person that I am, I always have trouble deciding exactly what kind of candy I want. That’s why a variety of candy was a good illustration of choice ...
  12. Shayna

    Design Assignment #2: A Book Cover

    As a dancer, I was really really happy with the movie Black Swan. It really captured and highlighted the pressures that exist in the world of professional dancing. That’s why I chose to make a book cover for this movie. I began this by going to the Spacesick website. From there, I copied one of ...
  13. Shayna

    Movie Poster

    For my first design assignment, I decided to create a movie poster. The directions on this weren’t completely clear to me, so I decided to go with making a poster for an original movie aptly titled “The Summer Of Oblivion”. In order to complete this assignment, I began by searching for images of beaches (because ...
  14. Shayna


    Creativity is definitely a powerful and useful tool. In high school, I took a photography class but I always compared my pictures to other peoples. Often times I felt that my photos were a lot less “creative” and questioned why I was even taking that class. That’s why I really love the idea that Tim ...
  15. Shayna

    DailyShoot- A Monochrome Picture

    Ok, so tonight started the first night of VBS at my church. Our theme this year is the Big Apple, so we have baskets of apples sitting on all the food tables as center pieces. After I took this picture, I applied a monochrome effect to it from an app I have on my phone ...
  16. Shayna

    DailyShoot- Attraction

    So, I couldn’t come up with anything really good for this one. Which means I had to go with the one thing I could think of…a magnet on my fridge. At least it’s a pretty magnet.
  17. Shayna

    Visual Assignment 3: Album Cover

    For my third visual assignment, I chose to do the album cover assignment. I like this assignment because it is so simple and because it has an element of complete randomness. You never know what you’re going to get and you can do it over and over again and not get the same thing. My ...
  18. Shayna

    Where is Dr. Oblivion?!

    So, apparently Dr. Oblivion is missing?! So hard to believe… Whatever shall we do without him?! I know I probably should have posted this yesterday, but better late than never. Dr. Oblivion is still “missing” and it is essential that we find him. Although, I must say Abbie has a great point, who are we ...

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