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Sound Effects Story Audio 1

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So I have never ever done anything like this before. I had no idea where to start. So first I read through the Digital Audio blog, downloaded Audacity, and signed up for SoundCloud. Then I read many many blogs about Audacity because I had no clue where to begin. So anyways, I figured out how to use Audacity a little. I then went to and downloaded some sound effects. That is where I got all these effects.
The effects from are:
printernoise.wav by bjornredtail
Metal_pushdooropen.wav by pagancow
cinemato.wav by jlozano
footsteps_1.wav by dude3966
coins2.wav by themfish
Popcorn_revisted_munching.wav by digifishmusic
slurping.wav by fille1000
couch_quick_rise_up_2_bip.wav by muses212
Popcorn_Real.wav by Kevinflo
beerpour.wav by j1987

I decided to do my story about a guy going to the movies. Hopefully you can tell that’s what it is. Let me know what you think.

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