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Gardner Campbell’s Essay Response

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I thought Gardner’s essay was very interesting, and I strongly think it touched very strongly upon how important it is to be technologically educated. The saying “digital facelift” to me was very interesting. I say this because technology advances on a constant every day basis, however technology innovations don’t come out of the blue but just become a little bit better then they were before. In other words technology simply gets added onto in order to create more innovated technology. The idea of cyberinfrastructure was very strongly spoken about in his essay. He stated how cyberinfrastructure would enable people to broaden their digital lives, which will also help with work. Being able to interact with others online and being able to use all the newest social media resources I think is a very good thing for a young person to know not only for their social lives, but for their working lives. Having the experience of constantly talking to others, a persons ill obtain better social skills. Social media allows individuals to stay up to date with current problems in the world, and gain insight from other users. Cyberinfrastructure starts with student being educated about social media, but most of all being educated through ds106!

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