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Cyberinfrastructure and Facelifts

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Gardner Campbellā€™s ā€œPersonal Cyberinfrastructureā€ essay and ā€œNo More Digital Faceliftsā€ video brought about many good points. One of the very important ideas that he hit on was the 3 Recursive Practices: narrating, curating, and sharing. I feel that these three practices are the underlying goals of ds106. In the video his comparison to a “bag of gold” was perfect. When given something free that they can use however they like many decline the offer. Many believe that they are not capable of blogging or that there is no point. It is your space to do with whatever you please. When Campbell described personalizing your website as decorating your locker in middle school the idea really hit home for me. Others may not get this the way that I did, but they probably didn’t have the coolest locker in middle school either. When others questioned Campbellā€™s theory that if we give college freshmen their own domain that they will creatively use and personalize it, all I could think about was a quote from the movie Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come.” To me this was the exact same concept. If given a domain, college freshmen will personalize it just as middle school students decorate their lockers. When given the opportunity, the majority will choose to be creative.

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