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Postcard from an undisclosed location – Obi-Wan to Anakin.

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This time, I decided to tackle the “Postcards from Magical Places” assignment. I was browsing through my internal data bank of geekery, fantasy and sci-fi movies in order to think of a topic I could do this one on. I wanted the movie to be popular so the message would be easily understood by the people looking over this. So I started thinking, “What is on the same level of popularity as Lord of the Rings?” Then it came to me – Star Wars.  I like the series, but I have never been an avid follower, I know enough to have a conversation, but not if that conversation is with an uber fan.

Looking at the criteria, I followed every thing to the point. I included 2 sides, a timestamp, and a normal stamp. I played around with the message part a little. The message I wrote does have to do with the plot of the movie – Anakin realizing his relation to Padme, having a “falling out” with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan moving to the desert for isolation and the discovery of Anakins son, Luke. The aspect I played with was Obi-Wans reaction to the situation of being alone in the desert. I developed a situation where Obi-Wan wanted to make amends with his former padawan.

One thing I had to work around for this, for realism, was the fact that Obi-Wan didnt want to be found, so I made the outside of the postcard a picture that Obi-Wan took about an event that made him miss Anakin, as opposed to his actual location.

Postcards from Magical Places

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