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DNA and Evolution

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I decided to try out the Minimalist TV/Movie Poster assignment. I wanted to do this on a movie that I love, yet havent seen in a long time – Evolution. For those of you who have not seen it, it is a comedy about a group of people who lead an attack on an alien organism which had landed on earth. Starting off as bacteria, it rapidly evolves into a threat to earths civilizations.

Instead of going for the comedic or threatening aspects of the movie, I decided to highlight the underlying principle – DNA and evolution. The poster features two plants, tangling into one another with a DNA helix in the middle of them. The word “Evolution” is spelled with with the helix being the “l”.

To make this, I used GIMP, copied images into it then used the text tool. I changed the text type to “Monotype Corsiva Italic” as I felt it suited the theme of the poster well.  I made two text boxes, one for “EVO” and one for “UTION” and positioned them beside the helix so that they were inline.

Evolution (fFINISHED 3)

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