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Bad Dream

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I am loving this playing with audacity and creating little stories are to cool. I originally was going to do something with flying because who hasn’t had a dream about doing something bizarre, but you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find certain sounds if you can’t think of a good topic word. What i did stumble across made me think of bad dream i’ve had so i stuck with the concept and did a car crash. The sounds i used were: Snoringwav by smidoid, Atpost.wav by RDB, Vroom by alister667, Race passes by CGeffex,
Audience by unknown, Turning the corner by heigh-hoo, Carskidcrash by musicmasta1 and Scared breathing by unknown

First I found all my sound clips through and saved them to my computer
To import my track I went to file Import, Audio and then selected the tracks I was going to use. If later down the road you want to move a track before the one above it you go to the far left of your track, click the drop down arrow and click move up or move down.
Listen to your track and figure out at what points you want others to come in. You will notice the tracks will play with each other (I kept mine this way in order to get the ambiance of environmental sounds) but if you don’t like that for your audio story, the top of audacity there is a button with arrows pointing in both directions mext to a magnifying glass. Click that and you are able to drag your track to the spot you want the sound to begin.
You can also sync multiple tracks by clicking the button that looks like a clock (lock-sync tool) and then click the double arrow (time shift tool)
After moving the sound to a spot you find appealing, I used effects, such as fade out and fade in, in order to make the sounds sound less choppy when mixing together. You simply highlight the area you want to add an effect to and choose the desired effect.
when you want to change or move only one track at a time you need to click the solo button on the far left side of the track
Finally, I used the scissor tool to cut unwanted or long sounds that were un-needed. You highlight the part you no longer want and then cut.
This take a good amount of time, because you need to listen and pinpoint certain area’s you feel needs work.

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