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Daily Create week 5

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1. Say your name backwards- Pmurc Relyt Divad would be my full name backwards (David Tyler Crump). Rather than just awkwardly saying this out loud I decided to give audacity a trial run to see what it was capable of, by using it to reverse me just saying my name normally.


2. Take a photo that features your favorite color- My favorite color is red. Took me awhile to decide on what exactly I would feature this color with, and I ended up going with this guys amazing cosplay outfit that I took at Katsucon. He was huge like 8 ft tall, glowing constantly and moved like an action figure.

3. Take a photo depicting your favorite type of weather- Nice peaceful day in Death City, Nevada. The sky is blue, the clouds are drifting, and the sun is literally smiling. This picture is courtesy of Soul Eater by Atsushi Okubo, who must have a very interesting take on the world to draw the sun as this hulking, heavy breathing mess. Also if this frightens you then you should look at his version of The Moon.

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