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Daily Creates

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How I Feel in Circles

I thought this assignment was a great way to express how I’ve been feeling. It’s so much more creative than just using words or images – the colors represent a wide range of emotion. For me this week, the majority of my feeling circle is yellow. I thought this would be a good indicator of how happy I am to be on break; I feel bright and content being able to get some relaxation. The second circle, pink, further expresses the good mood  because I’ve been home to enjoy time with my family and boyfriend. I love seeing them as often as I can. Then, I purposely chose to overlap the blue and gray circles so that they would result in a small black area. Together, this region represents the stress and anxiety I have been experiencing this week over a huge paper that I have due on the first Monday back from break. If it was not for this huge paper assignment, I would be able to fully relax and enjoy my time off. Instead, it has been a burden – worrying me and taking up many hours of my time. Hopefully in a few days, my circle will be rid of those dark areas! ( March 8 )


For this daily create, I chose to leave the camera sitting on my desk, for a unique view of my process. This way, I was actually able to incorporate both hands into the video, instead of being forced to hold the camera with my left hand. I thought this assignment was an interesting concept; never before have a actually gotten to record myself drawing anything. Rarely do I pay attention to the way I hold the pen or the way my fingers interlock to grip, but this assignment gave me an opportunity to hone in on those little details. Those “little details” are actually part of what makes everyone’s drawings so different in style and form. (March 1)

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