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A Titanic of Movie (Ha!)

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One movie that I have been forced to watch over and over, due to my dating life, is the Titanic. Every girl I have ever been with has either been obsessed with this film or The Notebook, sometimes both. As much as I would like to bad mouth the movie, overtime I have secretly started to like it.

This movie has many notable qualities, hence why it was, and still is, so well received. The scripting, camerawork, acting, lightening, set design and just about any other aspect I can think of was done very well. They even do a technique that we have talked about in class – The Rule of Thirds – a good bit in the movie.

Embedded is a from the movie during its famous “I’m Flying” scene. If you pay attention, there are very few moments where either of the main characters are in the center of the frame (Rule of Thirds). They also constantly kept the camera moving, providing multiple interesting angles to the scene. The lightening was well done too, providing natural mood lightening from either a sunrise/sunset. Stepping away from the location and recording methods, the actors were spectacular. This use of camera angles, proper lighting, mood music and acting abilities lead to the creation of  a very memorable scene.

Then we have the ending scene, which was also very well done for the same reasons, but it was done in a different way. The “I’m Flying” scene was meant to be a very happy moment throughout, so the production aspects of the scene that set the mood didnt require much change. However, in the ending of the movie, they hit you with two feelings:

1) Sadness.

In the end, the woman ends up dieing, making for an obviously upsetting scenerio. In this scene, the woman is laying in her bed, but is not centered in the shot. Instead, she is on the left. According to Roger Ebert, this results in a sense of sadness, almost subconsciously (as I have never noticed it until it was mentioned in the article). The camera then swings to the pictures she has of herself/family, etc to increase the effect. In comparison to the prior mentioned scene, it is much darker, nearly pitch black, as the very SAME song plays, almost contradicting the mood since, at this time, that song is associated with that happy scene.

2) More sadness with some happiness thrown in for funzies.

After the camera leaves the womans bedroom, it goes into what can only be described as her afterlife, where she finally meets up with the crew of the Titanic and her love. In this scene, the landscape changes and the lighting becomes gradually more lit. She says smiling faces and is greeted by her lover. The actors did a great job acting out this scene and showing their controlled excitement.


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