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If Movie Posters Told the Truth Remixed- The Opposer ( 6 stars )

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For my first remix assignment the generator brought me to if movie poster told the truth remixed by the opposer. I got this assignment the first time I  used the remix generator and I immediately wanted to do it. I wanted to do this one in particular because the original assignment was to improve a movie poster and make it more accurately reflect the film, and when it’s remixed by the opposer it essentially means to ruin a movie poster that doesn’t reflect the film at all.

I chose to use the Knocked Up movie poster by Ashley. I chose to remix this one because I love the movie Knocked Up. I even view the movie as a remix of real life. I remixed Ashley’s movie poster because it was pinpoint to the film, and their wasn’t too much erasing and movie to be done in order to allow me to edit it.

The fist thing I did was save Ashley’s movie poster onto my computer, then I opened it in gimp. I chose to leave the Knocked Up text and image because I didn’t want to change it to a point that you didn’t have a clue what movie the movie poster was for. After opening up the poster in gimp, I used layers to erase out the text that was already present. When I was thinking about how to remix the poster and oppose the movie I came up with a idea that I thought was hysterical. To make it look like they were in a fight, and that Knocked Up wasn’t about getting pregnant, but about a couple knocking each other out. It order to represent this I simply used gimp’s paintbrush to put some faded black dots on their faces, arms, and necks which represents them both punching one another. In Ashley’s poster, their is a something hanging on the wall which says “Timeline of Pregnancy”, since I chose to remix the movie poster about them getting in a fight, I again used a layer to erase that text, and create a new text box. Since both characters in the movie were actually sitting in the waiting room at the doctor office, I chose to make the sign say Today: Couples Therapy Session. I chose this because it represents their fight and how they are a really messed up couple and are in need of loads of help. I tried to make my remix’ed poster comical, so I put in a quote which gives you a hint to what my remix idea was, “This is what happens when couples get into a fight about who gets the remote.” Those were the finished touches so heres the original movie poster, compared to my remix.


My Remix

After looking back on this assignment I think remixing ds106 is great idea. I have to say this assignment really made me think outside the box, and I had a blast doing it. It was interesting to see that although I changed the movie poster to be inaccurate, my remix poster still represents the movie. Ashley’s movie poster defiantly allowed me to remix it without it working out bad or awkward. I’m defiantly looking forward to remixing some more.

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