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Summarization #2

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So I survived the first week  of Bootcamp!

  • The daily creates this week were really cool! I loved all three of mine that I did:

This first one is of a wide open space. It is at a family river house on the Rappahannock. I think the view is gorgeous, especially with the rainbow across the river

A morning at the River

The second one is of something spinning. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was spin-the-bottle (yes, I know a bit immature). I think the picture turned out really cool and did a separate blog post on it.

Spin the bottle

The last one I did is a drawing of a favorite album. I have been listening to a lot of Coldplay lately so, of course, they were the ones I wanted to do. I am not the best at drawing on a computer so I chose one of their simpler (but still good) albums to draw. Turned out pretty well if I do say so myself.


  • So creative commons is never something I have heard of. I am always willing to learn and put a lot of thought into my post about creative commons. Now that I am officially a blogger I feel that this is something I should consider.  This is the link to my post. 
  • The gif project was by far the most frustrating thing I have had to do so far. However, I think the results are the coolest! My post about the gif will tell you a bit more about why I chose the turtles from Finding Neemo and I complain a bit about the frustrations I went through.  And consider this your update! I figured out how to put the full, moving gif into my post!! Yay me!
  • Customizing my blog was fun! I love decorating things and making them look official. I tried about 3 different themes before coming up with one that I thought suited my personality. I could also change the cover photo and background color to better fit me! I really love the font for this theme, which is why I chose it. After finding the theme, the next step was to choose the picture. I think that took me the longest. I wanted to choose a picture of my travels, and I just have so many! I ended up choosing a picture that came from my cruise to Hawaii. The picture is on a beach in Maui. Everything after that fell into place perfectly. For the background, I tried to do a sandy beach with pawprints in it to show my love for dogs and the beach. Unfortunately, the whole tile the background situation looked too busy with the one I wanted. I would have liked it if it would just enlarge the image instead of tiling. In the end, I think the theme describes me without taking away from the content of my posts. Adding all of the new plugins were pretty cool too! I like that I don’t get anymore of those junk comments!
  • Overall, week 2 of bootcamp was successful. It was less stressful to me (except the gif) than week 1. I had an idea of what was going to happen and the time frame that I had to complete it in. The dailycreates give me something different to do than just regular ol’e school work and stimulates the creative side of my brain at the same time. I feel I am doing pretty well in the class and also enjoying it. Communicating through twitter is so much quicker and easier than email. I like that I can get answers back almost immediately. I’m not a very patient person, especially when it comes to my work. So as of week 2, this class is awesome, even with the amount of work it requires!


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