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A Whole New World… (WeeklySummary3)

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WOW! This week has flown by! The work we were required to do this week was mostly fun! I had a blast and enjoyed myself(:

The first obstacle I tackled this week was a write-up post on what [digital]storytelling means to me. You can find that blog post/write-up RIGHT HERE!! I had a good time coming up with the title, I hope you have a good laugh (: I think my opinion on storytelling has remained the same, I think it’s just been slightly broaden to the effects of bringing the “coolness” factor to the table (:

Next, I was asked to watch Kurt Vonnegut on the Shapes of Stories, and write-up a blog post about it! You can find this VERY ENTERTAINING post HERE!! I absolutely LOVED doing this story-shape assignment! I think this assignment showed me a new way to analyze movies in a rather fun and interesting way (:

For another assignment, I was asked to blog about a past ds106er post, please click here to see this amazing work and the explanation of the assignment (:

Next, I had to complete 4 Daily Creates this week… What an awesome time! I LOVE dailycreates! You can find my summary blog post of all four RIGHT HERE (:

My Five Card Flickr Story was probably the highlight of my week! This was so much fun to construct and totally easy. The process was just clicking on the site as stated earlier and pluggin and chuggin (: It’s embedded below (:

Five Card Story: Sweets, Churches, A man and a woman, with bubbles (:

a Five Card Flickr story created by LyndseyLu

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by katerha

So, my story starts off with the cake for the wedding of Lady Gaga and a no-name singer. The day of the celebration ends with oddly colored bubbles. AMEN!!

In other news..

We were asked to set up Google reader which ended up being a simple task after all. No hassle, just patience. Here are some blogs I posted on: number one, number two, number three, number four, number five, number six, number seven, number eight, number nine, number ten! (:

Twitter Participation: Is lagging.. because of my forgetfulness to add #ds106 on end… I tweet a LOT more than that.. just check out my actual feed for my AWESOME participation (:

And IN EVEN BIGGER NEWS… the blog post in which I considered to be most creative, received 10 comments, and counting (: SUCCESS!!

Week 3 in general was a lot of fun and more learning than expected (: It was refreshing and I am ready to tackle another week of ds106! (:

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