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Summarization #3

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Another week of ds106 has successfully gone by.


  • I still agree with all of my ideas about storytelling and what it means to add digital to the word. In fact, reading other people’s blogs has only confirmed my beliefs more.


  • I really enjoyed this video! It was quite entertaining and I love the idea of stories having a “shape”. The story I chose to shape was Bambi. Although it was a typical shape I really liked making the chart!


  • Daily Creates: Although the ideas are really cool I get a bit stressed if there is one I don’t really like. I’m not sure if there is going to be a better one later in the week that I would enjoy more or could do a better job at. Although they only take about 5 minutes, I still stress about getting them done early.


The first daily create I did was one to express anger. My picture was a bit more frustration. It’s of my calendar and the things I have to do for classes. I also have 2 exams the Monday and Tuesday after my 21st birthday.


The next one was one of a sidewalk. I remember how gorgeous it is at VCU this time of the year and how great it is to people watch in that area. I had one of my friends send me this picture.


My third daily create was one for something that you miss. I haven’t made a snowman in years. There just hasn’t been enough snow to make a really good one. It makes me miss snow…


The last daily create was taking a picture of something up close. I was trying to find something cool to take a picture of and saw the weird looking design on my desk. Thought it was pretty cool and decided to take a picture of it.

Up close and personal


  • I thoroughly enjoyed the activity of telling a story in photos! It took me a little while to try and find some inspiration, but of course my dogs gave it to me. I was watching them play and noticed how our new puppy, Lilo, is always taking the tennis balls away from our older dog, Bandit. Bandit loves his tennis balls so much he sometimes sleeps with them. He looked so sad when she took them away I decided to share his story with everyone.
  • Unfortunately, when I went to make this blog post for some reason all of my subscriptions in google reader were gone! I had no starred items and were not following any blogs. It was very odd. So I went through and had to re-subscribe to everything which was rather frustrating. I’m not exactly sure which posts I commented on since my stars were erased with this malfunction. However, I do remember quite a few of them being on the shape of a story posts. I thought that was a really interesting project and wanted to see what everyone else was doing. I loved the Mean Girls story shape and the one with the Princess and the Frog was really unique. If I remember correctly I believe the Princess and the Frog shaped out two characters in the story which I thought was really cool! I had a really busy week so I only commented on 10 posts which was the least amount of comments for this week. I would have liked to look at more but I had a lot of other things to get done.  For my twitter activity I mostly just shared my posts and tried to get comment love.
  • The post I tried to get 5 comments on was my 5 photo challenge. I really liked this post! I tweeted about it a few times, but unfortunately could only get one comment! She of course tried to understand the story and what I was thinking when I made it.
  • Week three in general was a lot. None of the assignments were particularly difficult, there were just quite a few posts to be done and the dailycreate intake was more than we had in Bootcamp. I also had a lot of other things going on in my other classes. Wednesday of this week I took my GRE exam for Veterinary school. Just a mixture of all of my classes, the GRE, and the fact that I was trying to plan my 21st birthday made this week extra stressful for me. The posts for this class took my mind off other things, but it also added to the list of things this week. I also did not appreciate Google Reader’s malfunction in deleting all of my subscriptions and the posts I had commented on.  However, I actually really liked all of the assignments this week! I cant decide whether I liked the 5 photo challenge or the shape of a story better. I’m leaning towards the 5 photo challenge because I love anything I can include my dogs in. I feel extremely comfortable in my blog space. I love it’s looks and am starting to get a hang of the plugins and tools it has. I am also starting to experiment more with tagging and organizing things in the categories.
  • P.S. I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to include a link to our post about a past ds106 post, but I figured I would include it anyway. I really liked looking at past posts. Some of the digital stories that people created were amazing and really detailed. I came across the one about Milo and Otis and of course had to blog about it! This one is definitely a keeper!


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