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Minigolf, 14[3], & EnergyPancakes [DailyCreates-Week Four]

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I really enjoyed the Daily Creates I completed this week (:

*Daily Create September 18th*


This dailycreate was very fun and I actually incorporated the number three even MORE than I originally intended.. COOL!! haha! These are my little brothers’ hands. They are representing 14[3] which means I love you. They are a blessing to this fam[ily] I’d do ANYTHING for these loves. I realized AFTER the photo and idea that there are even three hands… :P

*Daily Create September 21st*


haha HAPPY Miniature Golf day! I love mini golf. With my family it’s Always a competition! I used the software, Paint, on my computer to draw this fun and colorful photo of the seriousness of the 18th hole! (:

*Daily Create September 23rd*

Energy Pancakes

What would happen when two unlikely companies combined to create a new product… IHOP and RedBull creates Energy Pancakes!!

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