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WEEK FOUR (not gonna rhyme this one)

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This week I believe was the most challenging as of yet, just for me personally, at least. It was mostly so difficult or overwhelming because it was something completely new to me, I had never fiddled with anything audio before. I had always thought it would be a cool thing to be able to do. Trimming audio files so I can only hear exactly what I want and piece things together and create sounds of my own. Cool beans!

The Five Sound Story was the most difficult assignment for me this week. It was hard because it took me time to find the exact sounds I wanted. I had this concept of what I wanted to hear in my head and it was hard to find exactly what I was thinking about. But once I had the sounds I wanted, it was easier from that point on. I placed the sounds in the correct order, overlapped when I needed to, and faded in or out when I wanted. However, once I looked back on it, it wasn’t that hard of a process. Once I completed the task once, it would be easier to go back and repeat the process using different sounds, techniques, etc.

Audio Storytelling

The videos about audio storytelling were really interesting to listen to. It seems like a lot of the techniques Ira Glass and Abumrad were mentioning were common sense but when they pointed them out, it connected some dots for me. Mainly, my thoughts about audio storytelling was interesting because I learned a lot about stuff that I had never known before.

Sherlock Holmes Radio Style

For my radio story, I listened to 2 stories of The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I was really excited to listen to radio shows about Holmes in particular because I love the movies (and Robert Downey Jr. of course!) and want to read the original stories eventually at some point lol. I analyzed the stories and came up with an analysis.


Listening to DS106radio was a truly amazing experience! It was so cool to listen to a radio station broadcast by students just like me! The music they play is usually pretty good and listening to a live broadcast was really cool too. I’ve never called into a radio station before so this experience was even better than that!

Audio Assignments – Radio Bumper & 5 Sound Story

The audio assignments this week were really cool. At first, the 5 Sound Story was really scary. But once I got the hang of it, and knew what I wanted to accomplish, it was pretty smooth sailing from there. I created the radio bumper after the 5 Sound Story because as I was preparing to do these assignments, I was viewing what students had already published, and one mentioned doing the 5 sounds before the bumper. That way, she was able to get a better handle of manipulating sounds before adding her own personal voice to the mix. I think this organization worked out for me!

Daily Creates

The daily creates weren’t as exciting for me this week as they have been before. They were interesting ideas, don’t get me wrong, but they just didn’t strike as creative a nerve as they have before. However, I do really like the way my OrbitiPod turned out! I wish I had had more time to do the historic site daily create though! Because being in Fredericksburg, we are SURROUNDED by history so this would have been perfect. Maybe next timeeee.

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