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Creativity for the week!

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The first Daily create that I par took in was of gathering the noise that surrounded me.   At the time both my sister and I were studying so I pulled up and pressed upload which allowed me to just record the noise going on around me at the time.  It was rather easy to create this daily create and I liked the quietness that was portrayed when studying. The daily create was named “Someone near you is making music. Lets here some sounds!” The soundcloud audio was added to the tdc260 group.

Study time…. by astegemi

The second daily create that I did was named “Bald is beautiful! Photograph the egghead in your life.” Naturally the first egghead that came to mind was my dad. The picture was taken when we were at the beach and he was being a goofball. I uploaded the image to flickr and then tagged it with dailycreate and tdc262.

Bald man in my life

The last daily create that I did for this week was named “Draw an abstract picture of your favorite animal.” I have some difficulty drawing on the computer so I drew a picture of a conjoined dog on a piece of paper than took a picture of the paper with my computer camera. I then uploaded the picture onto flickr and tagged it with dailycreate and tdc263.

abstract of favorite animal

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