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Daily Creates Week 5

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The first Daily Create I did this week was the bald assignment. At first I wasn’t quite sure what to do for this. I knew that this was the last Daily Create I wanted to do for this week because it was something I thought I could figure something out for. I saw other people’s examples of bald people… several including pictures of babies. So I tried to think of babies that I knew and the one that came to mind was my cousin Truman! He’s now two years old, with plenty of curly brown hair, but I chose a picture from the very first time I ever saw him! I was so excited and happy to meet him and he is sucha cutie!! With the best parentsss ever (my mom’s dad’s sister’s granddaughter, and her hubby W)!

Bald Truman

For today’s Daily Create, we had to take a picture that disproves that there is a such thing as too much yellow. Initially, I gathered a bunch of yellow stuff in my room (like Easy Mac, Dole fruit cap, yellow purse, etc.) and took a picture. Then I was texting my friend Enisa talking about the daily creates for the week and used a bunch of, incidentally, yellow emojis. So then I had a crazy idea! Type all of the yellow emojis and that would be my Daily Create. I LOVEEEE IT!

Too Much Yellow

Yesterday’s Daily Create was to create a sound that is interrupted by something completely unrelated. I listened to a couple of the tracks by people who had already submitted the assignment and it didn’t really give me any ideas. I remembered how last week during Audio, I had listened to some examples of the 5 Sound Story. One I really liked was a campfire scene, with the sound of a crackling campfire and owls hooting in the background. I really liked the image this created in my head so I decided to take a spin off of this idea. For my sound, I imagine a crackling campfire with a woman sitting by herself on a log and her boyfriend just went to get the marshmallows from their tent. He comes back and surprises her by shaking her by the shoulders or something and she screams! Enjoy :)

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