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This assignment was an interesting one! We had to follow 3 links to these random websites to get 3 random things: a band name (from an article title), an album name (from the last 4-5 words of the last random quote on the page), and a random photo as the background picture.

Everything I had was really random. For instance, the band name, Treyvaux, is a “municipality in the district of Sarine in the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland,” according to Wikipedia. But it’s definitely somewhere I’ve never heard of before. However, I really liked the quote and picture that I was randomly given!

So I took a picture of the picture with my phone and used the Photoshop Express app on my phone to turn it black and white and then sent it to my email. Next, I copied and pasted the picture onto Paint, an image editing program installed on PCs, and cropped it so that only the window was in frame so it would fit onto a potential album cover. Next, I added the band name and album title. I used a cursive-ish font and placed these words over the flower box because it was the only white space in the picture.

I think this turned out pretty well. From the whole image together, I get that the band is a very laid back, chill band that maybe has some folk melodies, acoustic guitar, and quirky but classic voices. Maybe you see something else, and that’s great too!

Album Cover

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