I thought the design assignment What is culture for you? was a pretty cool assignment. It was worth 2 stars. To create this image I used a collage of images from my past and used the website photovisi.com to create the collage. To me culture is something that shapes you as an individual. For the collage I encorparated things in my life that helped to shape me into who I am today. I used pictures of my friends, family, the american flag, and softball. These people and activities portrayed in the picture have had a large impact on who I am today and are what I consider to be apart of my culture. After creating the collage I saved it and uploaded it onto flickr where I applied the tags: DesignAssignments464, DesignAssignments, ds106, and culture.
Design Assignment link: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/what-is-culture-for-you/
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