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Time is love Ringtone

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One of the AudioAssignments I chose to do this week was called Make Your Own Ringtone(s) worth 2 stars.  I chose this because typical I purchase my ringtones and sometimes I cant find the exact part of the song I want for my ringtone so this was an awesome alternative.  I used Audacity to create the ringtone and used the song Time is Love by Josh Turner. I opened Audacity and went into the File tab and clicked on the new choice. I then clicked on the File tab again and scrolled down to the import selection then selected the Audio selection.  I went into my itunes playlist and selected Time is Love by Josh Turner.  I then listened to the song and selected the parts of the song I did not want in the ringtone and pressed delete on my computer keys and it removed those parts.  After editing the song, I went into the File tab and clicked export and labeled the file as Ringtone Time is Love.  I then opened up in a new internet browser and uploaded the song onto the internet.  I then tagged the song with the links JoshTurner, ds106, AudioAssignments152 and AudioAssignments and then saved them.

I then had soundcloud create a tweet about it…

#ds106 #joshturner Creating a ringtone … on#SoundCloud

I then went into my email and put the audio file into an email and emailed it to my phone to use the song as a ringtone!


Assignment Details:

Make Your Own Ringtone(S)


Using Audacity, trim, join end-to-end (cut/paste), and/or play side-by-side audio files in order to create your very own ringtone. Ringtones should be a maximum or 40 seconds to conserve phone memory (besides, most cell phones don’t ring longer than 30 seconds or so…the extra 10 seconds is just in case). Be creative, you might want to actually use it on your phone. Please properly cite all sources used — Remember, fair use requires money to use as a defense.

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site just use the following tags when writing the post on your own blog to have your example added below. (You must use BOTH tags!):AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments152

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you can add your example directly.


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