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Pre- Production

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Wow, this next couple weeks looks like a lot of  work and many hours. I’m scared! haha especially with exam weeks and lots of studying all these assignments look like overload. Lets hope i’m wrong!

Here are three Video Assignments I plan to do in the upcoming week:

Show why Marshal Hall is the best – i this project I will be creating my own film. A short film about Marshal Hall will hopefully be a fun assignment. I will be using my Imovie to put all the scenes together.

Joining the conversation will be the next assignment I plan to complete.

I plan to use a scene from one of the Step Up. I love this movie for the sick dancing and Channing Tatum.

a precisely done assignment would be This one

lastly I looked into The recursive camera. This assignment I will use my mac and my camera. I will decide later on what scene to recreate. This assignment will be a lot of editing and using of my own film techniques.


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