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Watching a movie with a song in the background.

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When I first saw this assignment, Watching Movies With the Stereo On, I had trouble thinking what movie and song I could possible mash together.  So instinct set in and I went onto pandora, where the first song that came up was Allstar by Smashmouth.  The song was perfect! It’s a pretty famous song and most people have heard it at least once. When it came to thinking of a movie that would correlate slightly with the song, my first thought was the movie Up, and the relationship between the kid and the old man.  I haven’t seen the whole movie but I do remember that at first the old man truly dislikes the boy, but the boy just wants to help out.  The song Allstar is in a sense depicting someone battling through the challenges the world has to offer and becoming the best they can be.  The boy is in a way doing his best to earn the badge, which would be the best he can be, while overcoming the pessimistic/ hard to get a long with old man, which would represent the challenges the world has to offer.  To create the mash-up I first went onto youtube and found a 2 clips that I downloaded onto my computer and trimmed then merged together using MPEG Streamclip.

I then saved the merged clips and opened the new creation in iMovie.  In iMovie I removed the audio of the movie by first selecting the entire movie clip then clicked on the inspector button and went to the audio region and lowered the volume to zero for the clip.  I then clicked on the button to the right that had a musical note on it and went into my itunes and dragged the song Allstar by Smashmouth behind the clips, which allowed that song to become synchronized with the movie.  I then clicked on the button with a T on it, located near the musical note button and added certain Text screens to add credit to where I got the clip from and where who was the artist of the music.  I then saved the movie and uploaded it onto youtube tagging it with the tags VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments463 and ds106.

Assignment Details:
Watching Movies With the Stereo On (3 Stars)
Like when you have a movie playing on TV without the sound and you’ve got the stereo on at the same time. Take a clip from a movie, remove the audio, and add audio from a song or radio show that, somehow, kind of fits. See my two examples.

Do this Assignment

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site just use the following tags when writing the post on your own blog to have your example added below. (You must use BOTH tags!):VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments463

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you can add your example directly.

2 Examples by other students…
Lady and the Tramp with new Audio.

Inception with new Audio

I feel like both of the creators did a great job with their creations. The music that they chose as their audio instead of the audio from the movie correlated really well with the movie clip.

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