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Create an assignment: Winterize it!

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The idea for this assignment came from the environment around me! It has clearly started to get colder and the christmas music has started to make its appearance.  I thought the perfect assignment would be to take an old photo, preferably one from the summer or spring and convert it into a winter themed photo, snowman and all!!!

To create the example for this assignment I found a picture that was taken over the summer of my friend and I.
Pre Assignment Winterization
 then uploaded the picture onto and used such editing tools as winterizer, where it added snow, gloves, hats, and a snowman to the picture. I then adjusted the color of the photo to make it look colder. I did this by lowering the “temperature” of the photo, which can be done under the color edit link in  The end product was a winterized summer photo that now prepares me slightly for winter!
Make an assignment Winterize

The assignment details include:
Winterize it! (Not given stars yet)
Take a picture from summer and winterize it! Using photoshop or an online photo editor such as lighten the color to make the temperature appear cooler, add scarves, snow flakes, or even a snowman! Use your imagination and take a photo from another season and turn it into a winter theme to prepare for the winter season ahead.

Do this Assignment

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site just use the following tags when writing the post on your own blog to have your example added below. (You must use BOTH tags!):VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments761

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