Hello World!!!
My name is Kelsie and I am a SENIOR at UMW I chose ‘Miss Runner Bug’ as my blog name because I am addicted love to run! Also, my boyfriend calls me a ‘bug’ after everything. If I am studying, I’m a study bug. If I am mean, I’m a mean bug…and so on. You can learn more about me here.
I designed this blog for DS 106 {Digital Storytelling — I know, very cool}. I am eager to learn about different ways to be creative via social media sites and blogging. You will see my first weekly summary shorty!! To tide you over, here is my FIRST ever project {Daily Create} for DS 106! Drum roll please……..
That was week one’s daily create video. I enjoyed making it and being creative! It was a little creepy strange to record a video of myself, but I got over that once the creativity started flowing The prompt was to find a object that you over look every day and make up a story about how that played a role in your childhood. I know my blog is boring and not attractive, that will change soon , stay tuned!
Adios amigos!
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