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What is Digital Storytelling?

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When I hear the word “storytelling”, I immediately think back to elementary school. I think of a plot, characters, setting, theme, beginning, middle,Ā and an end,Ā because in order to tell a story you need all of those elements. For example: I don’t think a story would be classified as a “story” if it didn’t have an ending to it. All of those elements are important in their own way.

Storytelling also elicits a historical context. We wouldn’t have history if the people never told their stories about it. Right now I am picturing a bunch of old men grouped together around a fire telling stories. Although, this might be more of a traditional “idea” of storytelling.

The word “digital” has more of a new-age meaning to me than the word “storytelling” does. When I hear the word “digital”, I think of computers, cameras, radios, digital clocks, iPods, iPhones, iPads, iAnything… IĀ believe thatĀ if you asked kids 100 years from now what the word “digital” means to them, it will be a lot different than what it means to me. Same as if you asked my grandparents now. The meaning of “digital” is constantly changing as our advances in technology change.

When I think of the word “digital storytelling”, I think of the telling of stories through technology, whether it be pictures, videos, computers, even blogging! I think that digital storytelling can occur in numerous formats. When I signed up for this class, I pictured me making videos and pictures to tell my stories and share them {and I am excited to start :)}

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