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Bump It Up

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The mission of today’s work was to make a DS106 radio bumper. I spent the first hour or so fumbling through my itunes looking for a the perfect 10 or so seconds from a song to use as part of the bumper. After skimming through several songs I chose the beginning portion of “She Moves In Her Own Way” by The Kooks. Fortunately, I have had some previous experience using Audacity, so I wasn’t too intimidated by this assignment. I started by recording a quick little clip of myself talking, and then imported the song. I then lessened the volume for the song so that it did not overpower my speaking. I ended up with a two-layered file looking like this:


Alas, the project was complete, and I exported it as an MP3 using the LAME plugin(the plugin is not lame, but actually quite helpful). Here is the final product.


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