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My DS106 Fix

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To fulfill my one hour of listening to D106 radio this week I tuned in to the weekly DS106 show, in its grand premiere as a radio show, rather than the usual Google Hangout format. The show was co-hosted by two fellow DS106ers, and it was interesting to hear their reviews of the previous week’s workload.  As I listened, I tweeted at CogDog to let him now that I was tuned in. When I was listening there was a total of about 30 people listening, 4 from the 128k stream and 26 from the 64k stream.



The broadcast was unfortunately interrupted by the haunting fire alarm sound of the dorms at UMW, and we lost one member of the cast. The show continued unscathed, however. One topic was the flexibility of the class, and how the assignments lack restrictions on what you can and can’t do. This has been one of my favorite things about this class,

Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 8.58.52 PM

PS – At this time the twitter embedding does not seem to want to work for me, so I have resorted to a screen shot.

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