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Week 4 in The Books

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Audio Storytelling

Audio Storytelling-What’s Up With It?

Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad videos bring about some very good points in their videos. While Ira explains the main components of a good audio story, Jad delves into what makes audio so powerful. I enjoyed listening to the thoughts of two leaders in the radio industry.

Listening To An Audio Story

The Legend of Bobby Dunbar

I spoke about this in the blog post, but I would like to reiterate it again. I was absolutely enthralled by this audio story, which was definitely not what I expected to happen. I initially considered writing the blog as I listened, but I immediately dropped that idea and focused 100% of my attention on the story. Also, I was able to recognize some storytelling techniques that I would not have recognized prior to taking this course.

Listening To DS106 Radio

My DS106 Fix

This week was my first opportunity to listen to DS106 radio. I chose to listen to the audio show at the beginning of the week, and it served to conquer any listeners’ fears of audio assignments, and to reflect on the previous week’s work.

Audio Assignments

The first assignment was to create a sound effects story. I tried to create a story that portrayed the journey of a video gamer. I had some problems finding sound effects that fit with the story I was trying to tell, however I eventually was relatively happy with the outcome. I think there is a lot of room for improvement, but this assignment serves as a starting point in creating audio stories.

Ahhh, Game Over

The next assignment was to create a DS106 radio bumper. I had a lot less difficulty creating this assignment, as there was a definitive starting point, which was to record myself reciting some sort of catchy saying for the DS106 radio. From that point, I shuffled through my Itunes until I found a song that I felt matched the mood I was trying to set with the bumper.

Bump It Up

Daily Creates

Hum your first musical memory

While it may not be my first musical memory, The Lion King’s “Circle of Life” is a song that has stuck with me since I was a toddler. My parent’s still have home videos of me dancing around the house singing this song.

Create a pattern of things on your desk

Pretty straightforward. The things you will almost always find on my desk are hot sauce, coffee, water, and beer.

4 Food Groups

Re-enact your favorite movie

I chose this scene from Rounders . John Malkovich as Teddy KGB is brilliant.

Comment Group

This week I enjoyed seeing the works of my peers. Fairuz seemed to share the same skepticism I initially had before listening to the audio story, however I think we both agree that we have a completely different outlook on audio stories. Casey used some cool effects on her radio bumper to giver her voice an amplified sound; I wasn’t quite as daring as she was with using effects on my voice in the bumper. Lara had a great audio story where she used a bugs bunny theme. The story created images of Bugs Bunny in my mind, much as a poem uses imagery. Watkins continues to re-create the daily creates to tailor to her particular interests.


All in all, this week has been rather enlightening. I discovered that I have a deep appreciation for audio stories, and that organizing a bunch of sound effects together can create a rather meaningful story. One problem I encountered was embedding my tweets in the post about listening to DS106 radio. I tried a variety of methods, including downloading another plugin, however it was to no avail. I used a screenshot instead, yet it is not as valuable to the post without the tweet embedded. On another note, I am excited to be hosting the audio show tomorrow!

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