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Flickr Flow

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Here is my Flickr best of set! The process of embedding the set was very simple with the Flickr Set Slideshow plugin. Once the plugin was installed, I just needed to link my flickr account with my wordpress account, by simply providing my Flickr username, and Flickr API key. To obtain your flickr API key, you need to fill out a quick form explaining why you need your API key. After that you just need to chose the size of the image gallery and voilà, you have your Flickr best of set!

My set currently has the 4 photos that I am most proud of thus far. These photos exhibit a growth of photography knowledge since the beginning of this course. I think the most evident trick that I applied for most of these photos is from TEN: Ten Ways to Improve Your Craft. None of Them Involve Buying Gear, which is ,

“Change My Perspective By Changing Yours: Find different and unique points of view. Look down, up, lay down on the ground. Seek perspectives of lines.”

When taking most of these photos I found myself kneeling on the ground, or in some other awkward position, so as to capture a new perspective of the subject. As I discussed earlier in my photoblitzin’ post, the ‘Lobster Hackers’ photo is my favorite. I tried to convey the idea that these lobsters were computer experts working together to hack a network.


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