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Hold On To What You Believe

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I am finding out that I love design week just like I loved photo week, not as much but it’s getting there!

The next design assignment I did was the Lyric Topography Assignment (**). The task was to take lyrics from a song and illustrate them using only topography. I love topography. Typography is a design element where the words can differ in size, color, position and font to intensify the meaning of the words. I had no idea that this was considered “desgin”, but now it makes sense! This is an example of topography:


I got that photo here. I had already seen it before this assignment came up, so I wanted to try to create something as cool as this! I played around in GIMP and Powerpoint for a while {seems like a reoccuring theme this week – and I’m not complaining!} and this is my finished product:


The lyrics are from Mumford and Sons – Hold On To What You Believe. This song is so powerful, I knew it would make a good typography. Granted, I’m not pro like the person who created the image that was my inspiration, but I think I did a pretty good job for a “new-bie”! Things that I had to consider were font size, placement of words, what {if any} images I would place around the words in GIMP. The important words are big and bold. Luckily, I had cute font from this website {I use cute fonts when I create a worksheet or activitiy for a practicum classroom :)}.

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