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Never Grow Up

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I had planned to stop working on my ds106 stuff about an hour ago but I decided I wanted to “try out” one more before calling it a night.  Turns out “try out” means play with gimp continuously until I make it look exactly how I want it to.   At least I did two more stars right?

So the assignment that I ended up doing next was called Lyric Typography Poster.  As I was skimming though this I was right away intrigued by the sample on the assignment page:


I found this so stinking cool and began trying to recreate this myself.  After about twenty minutes of playing around with gimp, I realized that I didn’t know how to recreate this and that everything I was making turned out to be a boring looking version of this.  So I started playing around and ended up changing the assignment a little bit.

The direction for this assignment were to “Choose one of your favorite lines from a song and illustrate it using only typography. Consider how the font, color, sizes and placement of the typography can reflect or emphasize the meaning of the words” and I almost followed all of them. While I was playing around I ended up putting this simple picture of a little girl as my background. I had decided to do the song Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift so I found that picture to capture the song really well.  I then started to add in the words.  At first I just was trying to lay them on the picture, but I then decided I wanted to mount them on something first.  I decided to use notebook paper as that mount. I opened the notebook paper into a new page and cropped it to be the size and shape that I wanted and then just copied it in over by background. I did this for each set of words that I had on my background.  I then added my words using the text tool.  I played around a lot with the angles, fonts and size of everything before finding something that I really liked.  I am pretty thrilled with how this came out (which I probably should be since I changed the assignment a bit).

Hope you enjoy this!


Eight stars to go!

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