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Video # 3

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Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of my favorite shows of all time. I knew I wanted to make a video involving clips from Larry David however it took me some time to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. After seeing a fictional movie trailer for George Costanza I decided making one for Larry David would be perfect. After all, George’s character is loosely based off of Larry David. After searching youtube there were countless clips from the series that seemed worthy. I had to focus on one theme for the trailer so I decided to focus one his baldness, a recurring theme throughout the series. I searched “Larry David Bald” into youtube and came away with several clips perfectly suited for the trailer. I used a clip of Larry feeling he was a victim of a hate crime, Larry discussing baldness with his friend, and Larry hiring a bald chef.

To make this trailer I used iMovie. I converted the youtube clips into MP4 by using this website. iMovie had various templates for creating movie trailers. I chose the “drama” template which already included the dramatic music. The template was very useful as it organized everything and suggested how the clips should be arranged. The only issue I had was that it wouldn’t let me adjust the format of the template. For instance each clip had to be a certain length and I couldn’t change that. I wanted to show more dialogue but the template needed short clips less than 4 seconds so I couldn’t include dialogue even if I wanted to. This became frustrating as I couldn’t include a lot of scenes that I wanted to. I worked around this issue and I am happy with the final product.

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