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  1. eitantal

    “My People” Photo Essay

    UMDST "My People" Photo Essay, a set on Flickr.The University of Michigan has a unique blend of students that love to have fun as well as know how to work and study hard. With this photo essay I wanted to document the people that have shaped my Michiga...
  2. eitantal


    Post three photographs of your own creation with wildly different compositions and styles but with similar rhetorical purposes
  3. eitantal

    A Week In Review 4/7-4/14

    CC Andrew GainerThis week provided another great round of photography. I really like the daily shoots and enjoy them a lot more than the other daily creates/design creates. The in class project is coming along nicely. I love watching gifs and making my...
  4. eitantal


    After exploring Cambridge in Colour I decided I wanted to try a panorama photo.  Digital photo stitching allows for the photographer to take a wider angle view than the lens would normally allow.  To do this I downloaded the Photosy...
  5. eitantal

    A Week In Review 3/31-4/7

    CC Andrew GainerGreetings from Atlanta. This week introduced the Photography section. I have always been interested in photography so I am excited to finish the semester with this section. I have been in Atlanta with a lack of internet access so that h...
  6. eitantal

    Image Sharpening

    A great way to emphasize texture is to sharpen your image. Sharpening an image is achieved by "exaggerating the brightness difference along edges within an image".  I learned how to properly sharpen an image from Cambridge in Colour. The...
  7. eitantal

    “Jon” Response

    CC John PictonGeorge Saunders' short story Jon was very unique and I am still wondering why it was assigned. The story took place is some type of alternate universe, maybe the future? It was an intriguing story because it managed to confuse m...
  8. eitantal

    Carlos Boozer GIF

    After seeing this video make the rounds I decided I should gif it. I pretty much followed the Gimp tutorial  word for word to create it. I did run into trouble on Gimp however, as it wouldn't include all the frames I wanted. As a re...
  9. eitantal

    A Week In Review 3/24-3/31

    cc Andrew GainerThis week brought about a further concentration into the design portion of the class. Honestly this design section has given me the most difficulties out of every section. Dealing with Gimp and Photoshop has been very frustrating and fo...
  10. eitantal

    Minimalism Response

    After searching around for a while I finally found my favorite example of minimalism on the web. This movie poster for Reservoir Dogs for some reason stands out to me above the rest. The crayons each represent the code names for the main char...
  11. eitantal

    Design Create: Alternate History

    I figured this scene from The Matrix would be perfect to use for an alternate history creation. The entire movie relies on this one fork in the road where Neo has to make a decision between the Red or Blue pill. If Neo were to choose the blue...
  12. eitantal

    Design Create: Movie Poster

    When trying to think of a movie that I can sum up in a few words, Swordfish was the first to come to mind. No disrespect to Swordfish, I enjoyed the movie but the only thing I can really remember about it is that you see Halle Berry naked. As one ...
  13. eitantal

    Design Create: Minimalist Poster

    My minimalist poster for the beach is quite simple: sand + ocean + chair. When I go to the beach I go to relax and enjoy the view which I believe is represented through this poster. To start I opened a Gimp file and filled in using the color ...
  14. eitantal

    Design Create: Color Splash

    One of the many great things to come out of last night's epic sweet sixteen victory was this picture of Trey Burke rising high and delivering one of the most memorable moments in Michigan basketball history. I realized giving this pictur...
  15. eitantal

    “Albums Without Sound” Response

    Eric Sena's Album's Without Sound  project was really cool to browse through and see all the great album covers. This particular cover stood out for me for aesthetic reasons as well as how perfect it matches the album and band name. The picture ca...

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