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What’s the name of that movie again?

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The next assignment I decided to do was One Story/Four Icons. This assignment was to “reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them.”

Another part of this assignment was to NOT share what movie you were doing!  So I’m obviously not going to share the process I went though to decide which movie I was going to do.  I will share the process I used in making this though.  In the description of this assignment they suggested going to the The Noun Project for the pictures for this project.  I went and looked around and was thrilled with the choices.  I choose the skull, flying saucer, sheriff hat, and pizza as my four icons. I imported these four icons into gimp and aligned them side by side.  I found this project really easy to do!

So can you guess which movie I did?


Nine stars down! Six stars to go!

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